B R E A K F A S T  &  S N A C K S

Oat with PB and Raspberries ( sprinkle salt and stevia ) 

Eggwhites with spinach and low fat Cottage Cheese topped with everything seasoning

Protein French toast with sugar free syrup 

( egg whites , any bread you like ( I use light wheat ) )

 homemade protein bagel bites *

2 c flour, 2c fat free greek yogurt plain, 1.5 tsp baking powder, salt, seasoning everything .

mix dry ingredients add in yogurt combine well. roll into balls ( add a piece of cheese stick to make stuffed ones ) egg wash, sprinkle salt .

airfare or bake 350* for 15 minutes or longer .

cottage cheeses buff chicken dip*

cottage cheese, chicken, buff sauce , sour cream if you like. 

smooth cottage cheese with hand blender add in sour cream heat until smooth add in chicken and buff sauce